Minggu, 03 September 2017

Dufan (interesting place)



Fantasy World or also called Dufan which was inaugurated on August 29, 1985 is a place of entertainment located in Taman Impian Jaya Ancol complex (Ancol dream park), North Jakarta, Indonesia.

Dufan has a mascot in the form of a monkey apes named Dufan (short for World Fantasy). Selected apes as characters is to remind that Ancol was once an ape area. The selection of defender monkeys is solely to introduce the kind of endangered species that are now protected. At first the caricatures of the apes were studied by Matari Advertising who participated in the initial communication Fantasi World program because at that time Agustinus Teddy Darmanto as chairman and responsible person BenDufa (fantasy world's workshop) is very busy in the final settlement stage, therefore the visualization is given at Matari Advertising. but after the World Fantasy opened to the public Dufan characterization is taken over again by the BenDufa team and created the logo and mascot Fantasy world the Dufan.

Dufan is divided into several areas with their own theme and characteristic of each region. The division of this area is aimed at generating the imagination of visitors who are expected to feel the sensation of walking in the ancient Jakarta area, Europe, America, Indonesia, Asia, Greek Fantasy, Fantasy Hikayat, Balara, and Istabon.

In addition to the game attractions, the area also has a number of restaurants and souvenir shops. Widespread Fantasy World reaches 9.5 hectares of the planned development of 552 hectares of integrated entertainment area of ​​Taman Impian Jaya Ancol.

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