Senin, 18 September 2017

Monas (museum indonesia)

Monas is a bustling Indonesian monument visited by the residents of Indonesia. Monas is located in the central Jakarta, West Java. Monas was built on 17th August  1961 and completed in 1975. The Indonesian monument has a height that reaches 132M and has 3 floors. The first floor is where the tourists queue to climb the elevator that leads to the third floor where the tourists can see clearly the beauty of this jakarta city through binoculars. For the second floor, the place is named “cawan” with a height of 17M and 45M width.Monas has a flame tongue, where the flame is made of original gold weighing 45kg with a height of 17M.

This National Monument also has a museum that contains the history of the heroes who struggle first. The museum has small, similarly designed statues with clays and an explanation of the history underneath.

Monas was built by an architect named Frederich Silaban and R.M. Soedarsono. The opening hours of this national monument is 09.00 to 16.00 W.I.B. The price of admission to visit the museum and see the beautiful scenery of the capital city of Indonesia is quite affordable. The tourists just pay twenty thousand rupiah for adults and ten thousand rupiah for children.

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